The Silver Tin Box Size is 7.5cm x 5.0cm
Can put up to 3 Ferrero Rochers or 8 candies
What is your first wedding favor ideas thought when you hear that a relative, friend, or coworker is getting married?
When thinking about wedding favor ideas, it is sometimes challenging to find just the right wedding gift. The quest for a one-of-a-kind gift, often seems like an insurmountable task.
Wedding favor ideas will just pop into your head as you travel from store to store, while your options dwindle and the urge to give up takes over. Sure that the choicest selections of the bridal registry have already been purchased, you are at a loss for what wedding gift to buy. When trying to choose the perfect wedding gift that reflects your connection with the happy couple, gifts listed on the bridal registry can seem impersonal and disconnected.
A toaster oven hardly seems appropriate to celebrate the marriage of your college roommate. Will this be a practical gift; of course, but does it convey the emotion of the occasion? So now you are faced with a dilemma. A personalized gift celebrating a shared special occasion or event, is one choice to consider.
In memory of a Spring Break college road trip, you might choose a picture frame with a beach theme. A wedding gift with an autumn motif, will bring back memories of your college days, or football games on fall afternoons. For a great way to draw a connection between the feelings of joy from the ceremony and the joy of past shared events, picture frames are uniquely personal.
Gifts That The Couple Will Enjoy
It would be especially appropriate if you could think of something that you know that the couple would enjoy, but have not included on the registry. Some examples that might fit are: clothing for honeymoon travel, luggage tags for their trip, or a day of pampering at a neighborhood spa. Although these wedding gift ideas may not seem individualized at first, the bride and groom will appreciate your intention to ease their stress.
Sometimes, a second “notion” gift, is a novel addition to your main gift. Inject a little humor with this accessory gift that is a great way to add some fun to the occasion. An idea for this gift could include wedding flip-flops that stamp “just married” as they walk along the honeymoon beach. The bride and groom will appreciate lying around on lazy mornings in amusing, matching bride and groom t-shirts.
Another fun idea is wine or beer glasses personalized for the couple. Any couple will feel special when receiving a personalized item, which still conveys an individual touch, although the cost of this service has become much less costly. Try to keep in perspective that the wedding gift you choose is a symbol, a reminder of an important relationships, and although these symbols are precious to us, they cannot take the place of the actual relationships themselves.
Events stemming from our memories and friendships, such as weddings, and even shopping for that special wedding gift, can act to connect us, and draw us closer together for the rest of our lives. Unique wedding favor ideas transformed into the perfect gifts can be a befitting representation. We are reminded of what is significant in our lives, through our friendships, and even the challenge to locate the perfect wedding gift.
kalau 200pcs,brape hargenye…mcm mane sy nk order..
Hai Snurizzaty,
“Lavendar Series Tin Box” adalah RM2.80 sebiji. Kalau you dah confirm nak, kami blh bg diskaun..
Bilakah majlis perkahwinan anda?
Kalau saya nak 1000 berapa boleh bg diskaun??boleh bagi saya no talifon?senang saya nak berurusan dengan encik.
1000 pcs kami punya harga adalah RM2.50. Anda boleh talifon Jason punya h/p: 018-2727867 dan bincang sama dia.
hai. kalau saya nak 2500 still harga rm2.50? or can i get more discount? dan ribbon itu available only this 3 colors yer? can i get grey color(for the ribbon)?
dah email anda dgn info selanjutnya…
Purple Lavender Door Gift Box
400 to 450 pcs
You may refer to here for the prices of different quantities. Thanks.
Masih ada stok tak? Saya berminat nak beli 700 pcs – multi colors. How much per unit? Thanks 🙂
Boleh tahu bila awak nak? Anda boleh campur colors. Untuk 700pcs, harganya RM2.60 utk 1 piece.
Adalah baik u emel ke info@renowngift.com dan bincang selanjutnya. TQ.
kalau without reben boleh?
yup, can.
hye. nak tanye lah. kalau sy nak amik dlm 1200, berape 1pcs ?
dah reply emel mu.
Pink Wedding Favors Box – 100-150 rm? box sahaja kan
Please check your email ya. TQ.
Box sahaja brapa?? 1000pcs….. N ada jual bunga tengah2 tu x??
Hello, we would like to ask, whether there are price provided for dealers.. & how can we get the supplies for these products.. thank you (^^