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Five Once in a Lifetime Gift Ideas

If you are looking for a gift for a friend, family member or loved one to help celebrate a major milestone then you are sure to want to make it memorable. Whether you’re planning for a 50th birthday, wedding gift for a lucky couple, an anniversary present for your beloved or simply want a gift that will stand out from the crowd then think about treating them to an experience that they will never forget. Here are five once-in-a-lifetime gift ideas to get you started:

hot air balloon
hot air balloon

Hot Air Balloon ride

While the age of cheap flights may mean taking to the skies doesn’t seem as magical as it once was, but all the magic come flooding back as soon as you float up and away in a hot air balloon. Treating your loved one to a peaceful balloon ride over inspirational landscapes is one of the most tranquil, exciting and unforgettable ways to travel with views they will savour forever.

Fine dining taster menu

Dining in Michelin-starred restaurants may be the norm for some but for most of us it’s a luxury that we only ever dream about. For the foodie in your life, treat them to a meal at some of Britain’s most renowned eateries. Some of the best award-winning restaurants offer taster menus which turn mealtime into a performance in its own right, as expert waiting staff present you with a range of innovative dishes and matching wines to give a real flavour or fine dining at its best.

Drive a super car

Motoring enthusiasts would love the chance to get behind the wheel of one of the most powerful vehicles on the planet. Driving experience days take place at tracks up and down the country and give petrol heads the chance to sample the thrill of driving a Ferrari, Aston Martin, Lamborghini or even a single-seater racing car. Splashing out on a new sports car for them to mark the occasion may be a little out of reach but you can at least give them a taste of high speed life.

Skydiving experience

A parachute jump from thousands of feet in the air is one of the most thrilling experiences possible and tops many people’s lists of things to do in their lives. Even if they’re not the best with heights, expert instructors will soon put the lucky recipient’s mind at ease and any fear will soon be forgotten as they experience the rush of free-falling before floating calmly down to earth.

Scuba diving

From the skies to the seas, heading underwater offers the chance to explore another world beneath the sea. Lesson packages can be bought to arm your loved one with all the skills needed to scuba at some of the most impressive sites in the world, or if you’re planning a holiday in a diving hotspot then you can book them into a scuba trip accompanied by instructors who will lead them through the magic of marine life.

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