Dazzling! Commemorate one of the most exciting parts of your wedding planning
– the day you first saw your gown. Like a miniature princess dress in a tiny dress
boutique, this handcrafted gown candle exudes total elegance.
Each boxed favor stands almost 6.8cm tall and is hand-painted with silvery detail.
From the detail on the bodice to the hand-tied satin bow at the waist,
this miniature gown will make an envious ‘window-shopper’ out of any guest.
Arrives boxed in four-paned display box,
tied with sheer organza ribbon and tied with matching silver Thank You tag.

Wedding Gown Candle in Designer Window Shop Gift Box
Code: CWF02
Weight: 38g
Size:Width 4cm X Length 3.2cm X Height 6.8cm
Box Size: Width 4.7cm X Length 4.7cm X Height 8cm
Minimum Order : 100 pieces
5 Top Reasons These Scented Candles Rock the Wicks
1. Quick Change!
Add a little spice and variety to everyday chores with a candle quick change. No more burning the same candle day after day until the wax is depleted or stocking cupboards full of unmatched jars, tins and half-used scents. This scented candle bring a variety of smells to your home, office and personal spaces faster than you can blow out a wick!
The design of the wedding gown candles makes it easy to switch scents in and out and it’s a quick, clean change. If you want to warm fresh in the morning, sweet in the afternoon and romance at night, it’s easy and it adds fun variety to everyday. One warmer, so many possibilites!
2. Stop Wasting Products and Money
These scented candles are simple and affordable. Their endless scents bring back memories and make them too! When you buy wicked candles they stack up, make a mess and cost so much. With this candle you get a power-packed impact with one warmer and a few little wax cubes. How could you not love that!
3. No Soot or Ugly Half-burned Glass Jars
Never have another half-burned, charred, dirty candle jar hanging around your house again! These candles won’t ever be charred – they melt, they don’t burn, which takes us to the next point. No soot ever again.
What a great feeling. No grime. No soot. No kitchen full of half-burned candle jars. Clear your counter tops and simply plug-in the warmer, add a candle cube and get rid of all that other mess.
4. Enjoy a Quick, Strong Scent
The scent bars only take a few minutes to warm and the power of the scent is unleashed. And that scent stays for days. You only need one little candle cube to make a really big difference.
5. No More Open Flames!
Never worry about another open flame in your home and personal spaces again. These candles allow you to scent your spaces without fire. You don’t have to worry about leaving and forgetting to blow out the flame. Put your mind at ease and load your spaces with scents from around the world with these candles.